Personalized Healthy New Self Concept Script
Side Effects
- No more obsessive thoughts about how much you're eating.
-Leaving food to the side because you can now tell when you are full.
-No more comfort eating when emotional.
- Excitement to cook and experiment with veg.
-Healthy food starts to taste good.
-Eating junk food feels less guilty and you no longer over do it.
1-1 Coaching: Glow Up Beauty Diet Plan for Dating
Q & A
What is the Glow Up Programme?
It is composed of 4 stages: Feast, Fast, Fuel, Finish.
It is a lifestyle system created to help you change into the person that genuinely enjoys healthy eating and gets beauty and weightloss results effortlessly.
It uses: Nutrition, Psychology, and Manifestation principles to help you transform.
Is it easy to use?
It was designed to fit around your lifestyle.
The system teaches you how to think and feel to be able to become inspired to eat healthy and not have to stress about following a recipe and count calories.
When will I see Results
Within the first week.
Naturally when you implemment the tools and the system into your day you will see results such as improved digestion, better mood, cravings for veg and fruit, etc.
This is at a small scale.
The bigger results of slimmer face and body due to the anti-inflammatory nature of the 4 F System.
This happens because the System is centered around "Autophagy" where the body naturally renews itself.
What are the Results?
The key focus is to help you with managing your Emotional Eating.
Is this Right for You?
Check out the Self Concept Questions and see if it resonates with you.